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Blog - Flying Star

How to be Motivated

How to be Motivated ByMs. Anukriti SharmaCommunication Skills and Etiquette Trainer How to Get Motivated | 10 Essential Rules that...

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The Corporate Handshake Etiquette

The Corporate Handshake Etiquette ByMs. Anukriti SharmaCommunication Skills and Etiquette Trainer Now that life has returned to normal, we are...

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How to be self-disciplined

How to be self-disciplined ByMs. Anukriti SharmaCommunication Skills and Etiquette Trainer What is discipline? Discipline is a set of guidelines...

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HISTORY There are two stories about the discovery of coffee beans and their origin. According to one legend, they were...

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10 Most Common Etiquette Mistakes

10 Most Common Etiquette Mistakes Etiquette is important, and many people make etiquette mistakes unconsciously. Here are a few of...

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HOTEL MANAGEMENT TIPS ByMs. Anukriti SharmaCommunication Skills and Etiquette Trainer WHAT IS HOTEL FRONT OFFICE DEPARTMENT The front office is...

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Email Etiquette

“ Today, we can’t imagine our lives without email. We wake up responding to an email. We go to bed...

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How to Prepare for a Job Interview

What is a job interview?  “ A job interview is the final stage of a recruitment process in which interviewers,...

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Tips To Make You More Confident

When we look at someone who appears to be confident, we cannot always pinpoint one factor that we believe makes...

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How To Be A Good Speaker

I previously failed a voice test. I was the only one in class who did not pass, so I was...

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